I’m not awake yet not asleep, I feel I’m still In Morpheus’ keep. This twilight’s mauve in no man’s time, does not exist in cloudless clime, but comes and flows at its own will, when day appears it lingers still. I am released, the twilight’s left and I feel of a dream bereft that wanders now in twilight’s sleep. Be mine again in Morpheus’ keep.
I will be taking a couple of days off for a yoga immersion. Back asap 💙🙏💫
Absolutely beautiful, Joyce. You will get my recommendation. Keep it up. 🙏😊
Very beautifully written and full of comforting and relatable word pictures (and a great photo). I would like to include "Twilight's Mauve" in Crown Valley Quarterly, my showcase for authors, painters, photographers and other artists (especially new ones). Take a peek - if you would like any changes I'll make them immediately: https://crownvalleyquarterly.wordpress.com/2024/06/07/twilights-mauve/