A Novel waiting to be written with a different story by an author. Star-crossed lovers pass by the other. Meteor’s tails (tales) in blink of eyes. A moment to love and lost with a dream that crosses the darkness of sleep, a moment

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‘To sleep, perchance to dream.’ Thank you, Richard. No one knows the low road, we all go it alone and there is no turning back.

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The dream brings the faces that passed closer to you alive in your mind. If you want them to be remembered a prayer helps their images to appear. Spirits in sleep never weep.

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Thank you, Richard 💙🙏

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The beauty of the words outshines the remnants of the past. Very nice, Joyce.

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Thank you very much, Rod 💙🙏💫

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MMmm. This time/space thing is hard on an experiencer. Your writing made me think of something I wrote when I was 16 "A love was found, a seed was planted, and time for that love to grow was granted. Then suddenly, that time was not. Where there once was love stood an empty spot. There was hope that time would cure love's sore, yet time had not been faithful before." ~ I know now that it isn't an empty spot. It just feels that way for a long while. Then I learned later that nature can fill that space and keep me more balanced. The love doesn't leave, it just becomes a different interaction. You don't get the three dimensional aspect, which is so fulfilling and gratifying and fun. Some ideas and people remain to us like a whisper on the wind or a promise. Because we all know linear time is not the overriding truth! I love your writing. I really connect with you and I can hear you thinking and feeling things in between the lines. I see that you are a really kind and supportive person, now that I have been here for a minute. I have a lot of subscriptions but there is a group of people that I always try to get back with to see where they are going. You feel a connection to people when you spend time reading their hearts, I mean posts. Here is to yours.

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Thank you so very much for your beautiful response. What you wrote is so true, linear time is not the overriding truth. Death is a different timeline, what Robert Burns called ‘the low road’.

I love that poem of yours, I feel it.

Thank you. I don’t really know what to call you, but I respect it when people prefer not to mention their name. 💙🙏💫🌷

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Beautiful comment 🧡🥰👍

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Beautiful, Joyce. I like to think those intersecting lines of love will spiral back in time, in this life or beyond, perhaps as part of a great tapestry weaving around us, weaving us together.

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Well, for me not in this life, but perhaps beyond, who knows. Thank you, Deborah 💙🙏💫

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A beautiful plaintive poem about how our lives come together and go their separate ways. I was just thinking about this earlier today with the metaphor of cars along the expressway. We go side by side for a while and then we take our exit.

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Thank you, VP. True, and each of us has to follow the road laid out for us.

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Timelines converge, merge and diverge in ever increasing circles of time, and we are never and always alone on a journey that is wholly our own. 🙏🖤💙💚❤🤍🙏

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Thank you, Elliot 💙🙏💫

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🙏🙏🙏 Keep heart dear one, and The Way shall be made clear by our own doing, along the continuum of suffering and bliss, as one begets the other.

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I know, Elliot, thank you. I’m followibg the Way set out for me 💙🙏

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Beautiful. It broke my heart a little ❤️‍🩹

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Oh I am sorry, Precious. But thank you 💙🙏💫

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To be there…..

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Thank you, Christina 💙🙏💫

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This poem awakens some emotions really close to my heart. Every word, every line so relatable I might cry. Great work, Joyce 🩵

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Oh thank you, Saumya, much appreciated 💙🙏💫

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This is absolutely delightful, Joyce!

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Thank you, Ayesha 💙🙏💫

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Ahhhh so lovely

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Thank you, Trudi 💙🙏💫

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You continue to outdo yourself with every post, Joyce - happy to be here to watch it unfold.

Beautiful, as always <3

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Thank you as always for your kindness, Stone 💙🙏💫

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Apr 25Liked by Joyce

Very nice, I also enjoyed the wolf picture.

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Thank you 💙🙏💫

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Beautifully sad…I have lived this. Still feel the ache sometimes for what was.

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Thank you, Angie. I’m sorry you still have the ache, it’s usually there when least expected, isn’t it?

Mine was there long ago, death makes everything final.

I do hope you can create a distance for yourself 🙏💙 Meditation helped me.

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Oh, sometimes I think death would be easier, Joyce! This is hard…mourning someone who is still alive, but chooses not to be with me. It is likely for the best, as we have grown apart, taken different paths. But I do miss what we once were.

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Oh I am sorry, Angie. I can imagine you miss what once was. However, if that person chooses not to be with you, you need to reclaim your life…I’ve been there in a different setting, and it did cost me the best years of my life. It wasn’t until I got to Substack and came across people like Demi (The Starfire Codes), Tesstamona and Solarah that I learned to sever some emotional chords with people from my past. I forgave some, and it lifted a weight off my shoulders. I wish I had known this long before, but the people on my timeline weren’t the right ones for me and no one reminded me of another way.

I do hope you’ll be able to do the same, and live your life without that weight. Because while you are mourning, the other one is continueing to live their life.

Not lecturing, just speaking from my own experience.

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You are so right, Joyce. Thank you. I, too, have found solace and comfort in a few writer friends on Substack. I’m not always stuck in the past, but now and then I flirt with it. Thanks for reminding me that I deserve so much more. Most days, I know this.

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You do! Go out and live! You’re young enough to have a life ahead of you.

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Not as young as you might think! Narrowly escaped death twice 2.5 years ago. But it puts things in perspective, for sure!

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RemovedApr 26Liked by Joyce
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Thank you, Supernova 💙🙏💫

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